Parasite Control

The weather in Tasmania is too cold for the mosquitoes that spread heartworm to survive. However, if you’re travelling to the mainland then you’ll need to protect your pet from heartworm. 

If you’re travelling for less than 6 months, we’ve got options to cover you. If you’ll be away for greater than 6 months, it might be wise to visit a mainland vet and get a heartworm vaccination for your pet. These single injections can provide from 6 to 12 months cover, though a short-term preventative prior to leaving Tasmania is still required.

We recommend using a tick preventative while travelling on the mainland. The paralysis tick which is prevalent along the East Coast of Australia can cause serious and life-threatening illness. There are also ticks further North which can spread other diseases. Prevention is key.

When coming back into Tasmania, it is a quarantine requirement that all dogs should be treated for Hydatid Tapeworm with a 5mg/kg praziquantel wormer within 14 days prior to reentry into the state. Proof of treatment is required.

~ D O N T F O R G E T P A R A S I T E  P R E V E N T I O N ~

It always pays to investigate whether ticks are prevalent in the region you’re travelling in to. During the warmer months, this can include all Eastern Australian states, so tick prevention is essential. Bravecto on treatment for dogs is a great option as it’s easy to give and will protect against ticks and fleas! 

Give your dog a good check over at different times during the day, just in case slippery sucker has attached himself for a snack! 


Safe Summer

