Safe Summer

We all like getting ourselves, children and the furry loved ones out and about over the summer months, so here are some quick tips to having a safe and happy experience for all! 

~ For Pet Owners ~ 

- Always keep your pets restrained using a leash unless you are in a specified off leash area. This allows you more control in the event your pet receives unwanted attention from a new person or other pets

- Leashing is also a simple way of keeping your pet from wandering over to other people or animals who may not be accepting of meeting them (not everyone is as crazy about our fur-babies as we are!)

- If your dog doesn’t always behave nicely when meeting new people or animals it’s important to give them the space they need to feel comfortable. 

- If your pet is showing signs of distress, such as nervousness, growling, barking, or simply trying to move away from the situation, understand what they are trying to tell you and don’t push them to meet and greet, this will only make the experience more traumatising for them

- If you are entertaining at home and your pets or guests aren’t wanting to be social with each other, move your furry ones inside/outside away from the gathering, into a crate if they are used to one, or to a penned area where they can feel more secure and relaxed while guests are about

| For Families ~ 

- Knowing how to and teaching our children how to interact with animals is a great tool in keeping everyone happy and safe too.

- Give animals space if they need it and approach quietly and slowly when you are saying hello. It’s always best to let an animal approach you rather than you approaching them, and always check with the pet owner that the pet is accepting of meeting new people before going over

- If you, your guests or children are receiving unwanted attention from a dog or are nervous/fearful around them the following can be very helpful;

- Stay still and try to be relaxed and quiet, cross your arms and keep them close to your body, face away from the dog and don’t make sudden movements, don’t make eye contact with the dog and let the owner know that you or your child are uncomfortable so they can move their pets away if you are in a public area or place their fur-friend into a secure space while you’re visiting.

We hope everyone has a fun-filled, happy and safe summer!


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Parasite Control