
While on your trip, it is highly advisable to ensure that your dog is fully hydrated at all times, especially during the day. Water and shade are essential to any dog because they play a key role in preventing pets from overheating and dehydration. 

Before you leave your house, it is very important to carry lots of water for you and your dog. During the trip, you should always be on the watch out for various signs such as excessive panting.

Excessive panting indicates that your dog is a distress call, your dog is overheating or is on the verge of getting dehydrated. Also, you should ensure that your dog does not drink from stagnant water bodies such as puddles or ponds. 

Standing water bodies are sources of viruses, bacteria, and parasites, which can make your pet very ill. If your dog gets ill, you should make a point of contacting a vet immediately. Hence, when packing your dog’s water always ensure that it is similar to the one you will be drinking.

~ A L L E R G I C R E A C T I O N S  ~

If your pooch does get bitten by some type of insect, he may have an adverse reaction. Just like us, some dogs are sensitive or allergic to these kinds of bites more than others and may present with worrying signs or symptoms, including:

- Swelling of the face
- Difficulty breathing
- Increase or decrease in heart rate
- Changes in appetite

This list is not comprehensive, and your dog may display different signs. If you notice any changes in your dog’s behaviour or physical changes like swelling (even away from the bite area), contact your Vet immediately.

If you can identify the insect and the location of the bite, this will assist your Vet. Apply a cold cloth to the bite to make your pet more comfortable and prepare to transport him.


Parasite Control


Exotic Cat Breeds