Exotic Cat Breeds

As you know, during the month of February we are having a focus on ‘Exotic Pets’. 

As Kath would say to ‘Team with the Theme’ - we thought we would do a little blog on ‘Exotic Cat Breeds’. 

Think a cat’s a cat? It couldn’t be further from the truth. The same as our fellow furry dog friends, each individual breed carry different personality traits. Sure some are different breeds, colours etc but their personalities are as different as their markings on their back……they are never the same.

We are going to do a few different breeds over the course of the month. If you have one of these little cuties snap a photo and post it below!

We’re going to kick it off with the Devon Rex, because this is just a gorgeous breed and they are my favourite! Just look at my cuties. I love them so damn much.

~ Devon Rex ~

The Devon Rex appeared at first in Devon in 1960, as the result of mating a Straight-Coated Calico Cat and a Curly-Coated Stray Tomcat and poof the unique looking Devon Rex arrived! 

The Devon Rex is a very intelligent cat breed that is widely known for its active and playful personality and of course for those big pixie ears . They adore jumping, so it is always best to hide your valuables and breakable items out of reach.

Unlike other cat breeds, the Devon Rex is trainable and you can easily teach her how to play fetch, walk on a leash and learn other tricks such as jump and sit – similar as a dog. They are even capable of recognising the name of their owner. 

The Devon is a small breed reaching up to 4kg in body weight. Their wavy coat comes in various colours; Solid, Shaded, Calico, Tortoiseshell, Harlequin, tabby, Smoke and Bi-Colour.

The Devon Rex is also a very affectionate cat breed; they love to play with their owners and to sleep on their shoulders. They are very sociable and happy to follow their family wherever they go throughout the day. They are low-maintenance which means that you don’t have to bathe or brush frequently.

They honestly are loving, unique little gremlins.




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