Hot Car Dangers

Leaving your pet in the car may be hazardous to its health! When its 26 degrees outside, a car can heat up to over 48 degrees in just minutes. In a temperature that is high, your pet could easily die. 

Leave your pet at home even when making short errands in your car. If you do have to have your pet in the car ensure you roll down every window in the car about 2 to 3 inches, making sure they are not down so far your pet can get his head out the window and escape and park in the shade! 

A good precaution is to always have cool water available, no matter what the air temperature when traveling with your pet in the car. NEVER LEAVE YOUR PET ALONE IN THE CAR..... EVER!

H E A D S I N T H E W I N D 

It may seem as if your pet really enjoys being in the wind, but the practice of letting your dog ride in the bed of your truck or stick his head out the window of your car is quite unsafe for them! Bugs, sand, dirt and even small pieces of gravel can imbed into your dog’s eyes causing blindness or become lodged in your dog’s nasal passages causing difficulty breathing. 

Keep the windows rolled up high enough so your pet cannot stick his head out the window and leave the “wind surfing” that your pet would like to do for times at home in front of the fan.

~ C A R R I D E S ~ 

Do not feed your pet a large amount of water or food prior to travelling. A small meal given 2 hours before departure is adequate. Provide fresh water and food (if necessary) during the journey. Puppies and kittens will require frequent feeding. Adults will only require food if the journey is longer than 12 hours. Frequent “pit-stops” are essential (approximately every 2hours).

Beep Beep!


Exotic Cat Breeds


Dogs and Vehicles