Dogs and Vehicles

When travelling with dogs it is the owners duty to ensure the animal is transported appropriately and provided with its essential needs, including food, water, protection from heat or cold and a safe position on the vehicle. Dogs on utes are to be restrained either via a tether or cage, so that the dog cannot fall off or be injured when the vehicle is moving.

~ R A M P S A N D S T E P S ~ 

If your dog needs physical assistance getting in and out of your vehicle, and he is too heavy for you to lift, then you need to use a ramp or steps. Obviously this needs to be an easily portable device so that you can pack it in your car and use it at both ends of the journey it has a stable non slip surface and unfolds quickly and easily if physically getting into the car is not a problem for your dog, then the chances are, he hates the ride.

~ L E G A L O B L I G A T I O N S ~ 

It is illegal to put dogs in the boot of a sedan type car. Dogs can travel in the cabin of the car or behind a cargo barrier in the back of wagon / SUV type vehicles but also need to be securely restrained! If on the back of a ute they must be appropriately tethered or caged.


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