Christmas Dangers

Christmas is coming!!

Along with unwanted extra weight, Christmas carries some added dangers for your pets that you may not be aware of. 

~ Food and drinks ~ 

•Chocolate – both cats and dogs are sensitive to compounds found in chocolate which can cause hyperexcitability, seizures and tummy upsets. The darker the chocolate, the more toxic.

•Mince pies and Christmas cake/pudding – grapes/raisins/sultanas/currants are all toxic to cats and dogs and can cause kidney failure. 
Beware of alcohol in these too!

•Macadamia Nuts – bad for dogs though not lethal

•Garlic/Onion/Chives (allium sp.) – can cause damage to red blood cells

•Avocado – can cause heart disease

•Fatty indulgent treats (fatty offcuts, sausages, crackling, marrow bones, cheese) – sudden exposure to high doses of fats may lead to tummy upsets and pancreatitis 

•Alcohol – even small amounts can cause liver or brain failure in cats and dogs

There is lots of dog Christmas treats available to purchase from various pet shops. Better to be safe and keep those nasties away from our beloved fluff babes.


Easter Dangers


Beach Etiquette