Beach Etiquette

If you like taking your pooch to the beach, there are a few simple rules to follow to keep everyone safe and happy.

• Make sure you only take your dog to a beach where dogs are allowed. No exceptions (apart from trained service dogs, of course)

• If the sign says you must keep your dog on a lead, please do so. No exceptions.

• Ensure your dog can follow basic commands like “come”, “stay”, “drop it”. Most dog beaches are lead-free so interaction between your dog and others is almost certain. Keep in mind that even if your pooch is perfectly behaved, another dog may not be, so monitor interactions closely. Many undesirable things can wash up beaches and it’s important that your dog not eat them.

•Ensure your dog’s vaccination is up to date. Close interaction with other dogs is the perfect place for spread of disease.

•Pick up after your pooch. If you aren’t carrying poo bags, you shouldn’t be on the beach with your dog.

•Take water and a bowl. If your dog works up a thirst, offer fresh water to prevent them trying to drink the salty water.

•If you’re planning a long beach stay, ensure your dog has some shade to rest in. And bring doggie booties if the sand is hot or be prepared to carry your pooch back to the car!

•Give your dog a fresh water rinse (if available) before heading home. Salt and sand can be irritating to the skin.

•Take a towel to dry off your dog. Try to avoid your dog shaking itself dry near other people.

Have a look at Georgia's dogs having fun with a big stick at the beach!


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