Easter Dangers

Easter... my favourite holiday. They only time you can eat chocolate for breakfast without the guilt.

Unfortunately the same isn’t for our fur babies. During the month of April we will be doing mini blog posts on dangerous foods for your pets! 

~ D A I R Y P R O D U C T S ~ 

With the Easter break soon approaching it is common that we want to share our holidays with our furry friends and the goodies that come along with it. 

We understand it may be hard to resist those big eyes, and we may just break down and share a bit of what we are eating with our mates. However, it’s important, before you give in, to stop and think carefully as to what we are giving our pets.

• Milk and Dairy •

It’s a familiar image to see a kitten licking at a saucer of milk, but we don’t realise that feeding our pets milk and dairy products can cause problems. While a glass of cold milk can do your body good, the same may not be said for your pets. 

Dogs and cats do not possess significant amounts of lactase - an enzyme that helps break down the lactose found in these products. This means that milk and other dairy-based products can cause diarrhoea and gastrointestinal upsets such as gas, discomfort and vomiting. 

Some dogs and cats have no problems digesting milk and dairy products. Yet others may experience theses signs of acute intestinal distress, moderation this then the key. 

An occasional treat of a cheese cube hiding a worming tablet is acceptable, but these foods should not be part of the daily meal routine.

Dr Dani xoxo


Ancestry of Dogs


Christmas Dangers