Less is More….. and less food can add years to your dog’s life!

Like many things in life, less is more when it comes to feeding pets. Eating less has been proven to extend life expectancy and reduce suffering in many species. Believe or not, but even worms, spiders, fish, mice, rats and monkeys have shown benefit in studies from reduced calorie intake. In a 1999 dog study looking at longevity, researchers found dogs that were fed 25% fewer calories than normal lived an average two years longer. 


What was more exciting was even a small reduction in food resulted in a big reduction in medical problems.  The study dogs also needed fewer medications and remained more active well into old age.  


We humans can often underestimate the calorie content of treats for our dogs. A useful guide is to compare a small biscuit or buttered piece of bread to a hamburger. Or a 100g sausage to 6 donuts! It’s easy to see how quickly our dogs can get a bit porky from what we think are small treats. 


So, if you’re looking for the Fountain of Youth for your pets, it may well be found in their food bowl! 



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