Keeping your horse Sound and Supple during the winter months
Spring is on its way, but wintery conditions remain in the southern states of Australia. Our paddocks are muddy, it’s cold, it’s windy and it’s wet. We still need to take extra care warming up and cooling down our horses. Here’s our top five tips to keep your horse sound and supple:
1. Always start your ride in a relaxed walk – don’t charge off into trot or canter straight away. The tendons and muscles need time to warm up and lubricate.
2. Allow plenty of time to stretch in all three gaits before asking for more difficult work. It takes about 15 to 20 minutes to get your horse warm and his muscles ready for more difficult or intense work.
3. During the schooling or conditioning phase, allow plenty of walk breaks. Just like when we go to the gym, the equine muscle needs time to recover in order to exert more effort. A tired muscle is at risk of injury. Plus, it’s a great way to ensure our horses keep trying for us! Quality, not quantity!
4. Cooling down is often missed, but make sure you spend at least 10 minutes walking before you dismount. This allows lactic acid from exercise to be circulated from the muscles so he’s not sore the next day. It also allows blood that’s been supplying extra oxygen to the muscles to return to other organs.
5. Regular hoof care by a qualified professional is a must! Remember the expression, no hoof no horse!
6. Riding on different surfaces is great for conditioning of tendons and bones, but make sure deep or slippery surfaces aren’t included! More on this tomorrow.
If you’ve been consistent with your winter exercise routine, your horse will be much better prepared for spring shows and events (depending on your location, of course!).
As always please call the clinic if you feel your horse is irregular in any of his paces, quick action can avoid bigger, more serious issues down the track.